showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Zillion  Sega1987
[47]***Are you ready for the ultimate danger? You're alone, outnumbered and there's no guarantee you'll make it alive.
You're J.J. Your objsctive: secretly infiltrate the underground labyrinth of The Norsa Empire and steal their plans for domination.
Armed with the ultra speed and power of the Zillion Laser, your mission is complex. And sheer strength will not win this one alone.
Your'll need more brains than brawn in this sophisticated operation. So, how will you think your way to victory?
With cunning strategy and memoru to guide you sussessfully through the maze whitch awaits. Where once inside, you'll find the information needed to destroy the Norsas and restore peace forever.***A large face fills the screen, takes aim, and fires a gun. Up pops the title screen branded with a big gun. For essentially what could be called a thinking man's platformer, Zillion has quite a flashy intro.

The game consists of a blue armour-clad guy, J.J., wandering around a giant underground maze searching for his buddies and a couple of floppies that'll blow the place up. You're not just limited to using a blue-haired hero; there's also a weak girlie and a buff guy available when you find them. The multiple character choice is a tad frivolous, especially when it's such a generic mix.